
Posts Tagged ‘Dress-Up’

April, like always, is like watching the weather forecast be controlled by the mood swings of a temperamental teen with split personality disorder. In the same day we go from snow to sun to rain, and I feel less inclined to actually be outdoors than even when it was permanently cold. I never was much for April in Sweden.

On the off-chance that the weather is tolerable, I try going out for walks. Feel better all in all, think the vitamin D-supplements and the longer days are having their clear effect. Feel more upbeat and less exhausted, and as long as I can stay away from sugar, I’ll do fine.
Food wise, I’ve been doing well this week. But yesterday, we had a small Incognito get-together at my place (Incognito being my friend Jano’s hobby/project, where we dress-up as computer game characters in outfits she makes, and are photographed in places that resonate with the original game-environment. It’s so much fun, and I get to play dress-up every couple of months), and as per usual, there was muffins and cake and pizza. We were only half the group, working on some back story pics for our 20’s photo shoot, so there wasn’t much to do, and it felt like we mostly ate. I went into a sudden sugar-coma in the car later, and with the false-lashes weighing down my lids, I couldn’t keep my eyes open for what felt like hours. Totally worth it, though my stomach might disagree.

Anyways, as I mentioned last week, I updated my Noom-values and plans (third times a charm they say, maybe I should give that 200-sit up challenge its third chance as well?) and I’m at it since. At my weekly weigh-in on Sunday, I was down to 66,3kg. Getting somewhere, Hells yeah.

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