
Posts Tagged ‘La Familia’

Merry Christmas and Ho Ho Ho(e) =)

I am ending the year on an OK note when it comes to weight and exercise. I’ve lost weight, but not as much as I hoped, and haven’t been to the gym that much, yet clearly more than last year. So I’m OK.
I also am leaving for a trip at the beginning of next year, and have decided to work out a bit every day from tomorrow and until the 5th, as I am also doing some serious studying, paper and assignment writing at the same time. Helps with the focus.
Also, it keeps my ass in check before I leave, so I don’t spend the holidays eating my weight in Christmas-food, and continue that with going for a three week trip where my relatives most likely will keep feeding me food in abundance. Gaining a lot will be quite unwise, not only in the most obvious way: it’s unhealthy and not attractive on me – but also in the less obvious and important way: it’ll also make fitting into the dress for my friends wedding in February more difficult.

I’m spending Christmas at my parents house, and it’s started out lovely, with great food, gifts, movies and games. I slept so much last night it was ridiculous, it’s like my system is already set to vacation. But I’m gonna try to keep my head in the game and finish as much work as I can, and then hope that flying to another continent will give me enough distance from my every day working life to actually be relaxing.

This morning the scale showed 65,3kg. Not to shabby.

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Gucci Gucci

I could write a very long post on the happenings of the Holidays, but honestly, I’ve mostly been hanging out with family, taking it easy or studying.

I spent the Christmas weekend eating alot and enjoying it, but have since then made sure to replace atleast breakfast with a protein bar, and go out for a longer walk or work out on the treadmill for a minimum of 20 minutes a day.
Proud to say the scales announced 65,1kg an hour ago, which means new lowest weight since last spring. And after Christmas to boot. I feel amazing (could also be the lack of sleep talking though).

Let’s see how that holds up ’til after New Year. With that said, I’m off to the airport.

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Spent the day Christmas-shopping, going to café (for “fika”) with my siblings and brothers girlfriend, and then having dinner with a friend I haven’t seen in a while. Good and productive day.

Got a wee bit of trouble on the way home, phone having run out of battery earlier during the day, absent-mindedly getting on the wrong train, subsequently missing the bus, and having to walk home in my not-so warm clothes, in slight minus (Celsius) degrees for 25 minutes. Wasn’t too bad actually, though my thighs are still cold, 45 minutes after I got indoors.

My sister took one look at my pinkish face and went:
“Wow. Your make-up looks really pretty today.”
It’s a bit of a let down to reveal: “It’s not make-up. It’s just the cold.”

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Got back from my parents place yesterday, and am now sitting in my brand spanking new apartment, trying to study and re-pack som boxed while my dad is literally ripping the old kitchen out using a crow-bar (I’m having difficulties concentrating, honestly >_<)
I feel very happy about having a carpenter dad who works in construction, refurbishing this place. At the moment, it's a mess, but I have faith in that dad will get it to look amazing.

In these few days that I’ll be in town before going to Stockholm to start the internship, my goal is to go to the gym daily, get some work done, not be in dads way and make sure to stick to my healthy regime even though cooking is a bit difficult in a place that lacks a kitchen. I went to both a core session and a dance session last week, and walked the 10 kilometer race. Yesterday, I did yoga for the first time since I think May. I was worried that my balance would be off, and that I would just feel tired and clumsy. But it was actually just nice to stretch muscles and work out some of the tension. Hopefully, I’ll be able to join both Saturday and Sundays classes this week as well. I also have another dance class today and pilates tomorrow. I’m kinda rooting for that the daily exercise will make me feel motivated to not eat unhealthy as well (I write this like 2 seconds after munching fudge, oh the irony…)

Last time I weighed myself was at mom and dad’s place, and the scale there is a bit off. It’s one of those… what would you call it? Congenial scales? The sympathetic ones that shows like half a kilo less and makes you feel better about yourself while you’re trying to lose weight. Yet still, I don’t know how far it’s actually off the mark. If it’s not really that misdirecting, then this Tuesday morning I weighed under 67kg for the first time since last July. All in all, I think I’m doing myself proud.

Also, want to mention that I am still registering work-out and food intake on Noom. I’m not as persistent anymore, but the updates are daily, and if not as exact, at least not false. I think some of the things I thought needed improving are also being worked on. For example, eggs with yolk, which I complained about being categorized as “red” (more unhealthy than white bread, and even wine, is now under “yellow”, making it a bit more realistic on account of how healthy it is. We are improving together it seems, me and the program, haha!

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Back in Uppsala after 10days with family, relatives and friends in the capital.
I am packing my life into boxes and will be moving out this weekend, putting up temporarily in a friends appartement for a month. I am happy to say that I will be moving into my new residence in the beginning of September! I’m really excited and also relieved that the ordeal of appartment-hunting is over.

Now, on to other things. As always, my lack of consistency is my downfall. Nothing will ever change if you don’t ever practice what you preach, so to say. After 10 days back home, and a lot of rich meals, I suspected a weight around 69-70kg. It all culminated on Saturday night, when I met up with old co-workers and had a great Greek feast of a dinner, complete with gyros, feta cheese, grilled halloumi and oven-baked potato strips, followed by a massive chocolate cake with raspberry and cherry filling that one of the girls had prepared, and some wine and cocktails to boot.

Monday morning, back in Uppsala, scale pointed clearly and treacherously at 71kg. That is of course probably just a temporary spiking in the charts after the weekend, yet still 13kg heavier than my ideal weight. Basically, on monday, my over-weight was a small kindergartener.

Alas, will I ever learn?

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There are a lot of things going on right now, and alot of the time I feel like I have no idea where I’ve put my own head (or I feel like I am loosing my mind).

I blame stress and the summer heat (not complaining about the last part though, mind you).

In the midst of all this, I am in Stockholm for a 10 day visit, timing it with the invasion of my family home, by many of my beloved relatives. It is amazing fun at the same time that it is pressuring. I am now unused to not having my own space, and also feel guilty if I go off to study instead of taking the opportunity to spend time with them. We went to Bergianska trädgården (the botanic gardens connected to the University of Stockholm) yesterday, which was lovely. Today was stressful since my father has been ill, but things are looking slightly brighter.

We are outdoors every day, taking the relatives sight-seeing, shopping or just strolling. As a result, I have been walking for hours a day these past three days, which is always good. But when I get back to Uppsala again, I should really start-up with the running. Walking will only help so much in preparation, and I’ve signed up for the all-female 10km race in September called Tjejmilen.

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